📄️ Navigation
The navigation is built with autoroute. You can find the routes in the lib/app_router.dart file.
📄️ Onboarding
Onboarding uses introductionscreen. You can find a lot of examples in the documentation.
📄️ App title
In order to change your app title:
📄️ Authentication
You can find the files under lib/features/authentication/.
📄️ Data Scaffold
DataScaffold is a widget that handles a AsyncValue from a provides a scaffold with a loading, error and data state.
📄️ Debug Menu
📄️ FVM
Fvm is a handy version management tool for Flutter.
📄️ Hive
📄️ Intl - Translations
📄️ Flutter Launcher Icons
📄️ Rate my app
This is such an important feature. You want the support of your users if you want your app to succeed.
📄️ Revenue Cat
📄️ State-management
📄️ Theme
Material Design
📄️ VS Code settings
I added some convient settings to VS Code.